
Name : Siliconian
Initials : RL
Country :
Game Cups
x 5184
x 292
x 70
Level : 10
Experience : 29334 / 73536
Total games / systems active : 776 / 22
Total leaderboards active : 5606
Total scores accepted / in voting : 5605 / 1
Total score attempts : 5681
Total comments / votes : 6239 / 0
LUPS ladder rank : 5
Nothing changed in the past week
LUPS rating : 950383
944662 at 2024-07-20 21:05:54 improved to 950383
Game cup collection : 5546
5520 at 2024-07-20 21:05:54 improved to 5546
Average LUPS : 169.55
169.32 at 2024-07-20 21:05:54 improved to 169.55
Golden cups per leaderboard : 92.48 %
92.45 at 2024-07-20 21:05:54 improved to 92.48
Any cup per leaderboard : 98.94 %
Nothing changed in the past week
Empty board raider : 3478
3467 at 2024-07-20 21:05:54 improved to 3478