
We welcome PengpengØ118 entering the LUPS Top 100 at spot 98 🌞.
πŸš‘ Lowest 5 πŸ† 2024: #1 S.Baz (-187) #2 TFisher93 (-182) #3 LTJack (-108) #4 Omargeddon (-85) #5 GibGirl (-66)

πŸš‘ Lowest 5 πŸ† July: #1 S.Baz (-103) #2 Larquey (-12) #3 ISB (-10) #4 Omargeddon (-9) #5 Player1 (-8)
Top 5 πŸ’° Master Muncher 2024 (Best Rank+Best Month): #1 Mantalow (130p) #2 el_pasi(74p) #3 Larquey(55p) #4 Siliconian(35,5p) #5 nads(35p)
Top 5 Value LUPS (July Av. Grow LUPS): #1 Stevengton(+15,73) #2 thunder force 83 (+2,09) #3 Michael Sroka (+2,07) #4 Mantalow(+2,03) #5 GTi(+1,58)
Top 5πŸ† (July): #1 Mantalow (+326) #2 el_pasi (+139) #3 Rickster (+66) #4 Siliconian (+26) #5 TGP (+16)
Top 5πŸ† (delta 2024): #1 Mantalow (+4045) #2 el_pasi (+1842) #3 Siliconian (+741) #4 Larquey (+334) #5 GTI (+239)
Top 5 LUPSπŸ’²(July): #1 Mantalow (+110 732) #2 el_pasi (+30 263) #3 Larquey (+26 144) #4 GTi (+18 130) #5 Siliconian (+10 977)
Top 5 LUPSπŸ’²(delta 2024): #1 Mantalow (+943 252) #2 el_pasi (+518 136) #3 Larquey (+317 818) #4 Siliconian (+166 616) #5 GTI (+147 633)
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Scores since 2020-12-01: 62016
New submissions in past week: 307
Accepted submissions in past week: 341
Active users (past week / total): 32 / 189
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