
Name : Bernard Larquey
Initials : BER
Country :
Game Cups
x 4355
x 3915
x 1778
Level : 14
Experience : 41704 / 157578
Total games / systems active : 3060 / 49
Total leaderboards active : 12013
Total scores accepted / in voting : 12013 / 0
Total score attempts : 12265
Total comments / votes : 7986 / 29322
LUPS ladder rank : 2
Nothing changed in the past week
LUPS rating : 1586238
1580770 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 1586238
Game cup collection : 10048
10016 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 10048
Average LUPS : 132.04
131.99 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 132.04
Golden cups per leaderboard : 36.25 %
36.18 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 36.25
Any cup per leaderboard : 83.64 %
83.63 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 83.64
Empty board raider : 3270
3253 at 2024-07-20 13:15:15 improved to 3270