
Name : Mantalow
Initials : MTL
Country :
Game Cups
x 4045
x 1428
x 532
Level : 12
Experience : 19746 / 111555
Total games / systems active : 687 / 27
Total leaderboards active : 7118
Total scores accepted / in voting : 6212 / 920
Total score attempts : 7491
Total comments / votes : 6285 / 11136
LUPS ladder rank : 2
Nothing changed in the past week
LUPS rating : 1235466
1208843 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 1235466
Game cup collection : 6005
5939 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 6005
Average LUPS : 198.88
196.71 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 198.88
Golden cups per leaderboard : 65.11 %
64.80 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 65.11
Any cup per leaderboard : 96.66 %
96.64 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 96.66
Empty board raider : 2485
2453 at 2024-04-17 20:35:53 improved to 2485