
Name : Arrowhead12
Initials : ARW
Country :
About Me :
Doom custom level designer. Atari addict. Original Hardware I Own: Atari VCS (light sixer), Atari 2600 Jr. (small rainbow), Atari 2600 Jr. (loose PCB only), Atari 800XL, Original Xbox, Xbox 360, NES, SNES, GB, GBA, GBC, GCN + GBA Player, DS Lite x2, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, PSP, PS1, PS2 x2 (slim silver, and Fat), PS3, PS4, Wii x2 (mini red variant, standard white) N64. Others: Coleco Bowlatronic, Atari Flashback Portable (2017 model), Intellivision Flashback, Wireless60, Retron 77 x2, Retron 1, Tiger QuizWiz.
Game Cups
x 101
x 66
x 35
Level : 4
Experience : 3975 / 7503
Total games / systems active : 210 / 7
Total leaderboards active : 270
Total scores accepted / in voting : 270 / 0
Total score attempts : 275
Total comments / votes : 256 / 230
LUPS ladder rank : 40
Nothing changed in the past week
LUPS rating : 66144
Nothing changed in the past week
Game cup collection : 202
Nothing changed in the past week
Average LUPS : 244.97
Nothing changed in the past week
Golden cups per leaderboard : 37.40 %
Nothing changed in the past week
Any cup per leaderboard : 74.81 %
Nothing changed in the past week
Empty board raider : 33
Nothing changed in the past week