Score card

Achieved at : 2022-11-19
Rank : 2
(11.1% worse)
Lups : 167
Approved :
Voting completed : 2022-11-30
General Rules: Game must be played on the actual hardware. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 credit. No continues. 1 player mode only. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules.
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings
Only Non Upgraded cars allowed
In case of a dispute on a very good time, player are advised they should capture within the video of their run the content of the cfg file for the car they used, so anybody can see these have not been modified.

No replay records allowed. Player have to be driving/playing the game while recording as replay might have an issue with upper rule.

Any suspicious time in #1 (aka lvlup WR) contested by another player can be reported on our discord, so admins check evidences and take action.

Rule set at 9 Jan 2023
To vote or comment on this score, please login.
2022-11-20 21:17:30 (edited 2022-11-21 02:04:24)
If this were NFSIII I wouldn't have posted this.. with all the wall hits.. but this is TD6, and im new..
+ Practice mode is very tough to control at fast speeds and the wall can be your friend.

Practice takes away all handling upgrades leaving you with the stock model for a much tougher driving experience.

So why chose Practice?

Reason 1 - Most tracks can't be selected directly or re-tried outside of Practice.
Tournament is the only way to race circuit tracks with your upgraded garage car.

I wonder if speed runners are using save states just to retry, otherwise it can take multiple races and tons of money, and there's no way to retry without restarting the entire Tournament💸🕑.

Reason 2.. Practice mode is the only part of the game that listens to the option menu for turning off traffic. Idk how many times I won a race because the A.I. crashed into traffic.. or how many times traffic slowed me down. Imo it's not great fun to have traffic/cops.

Practice is the standard for TD6 competition, "says me" .. racing with cars that take alot of skill to handle.
and the biggie.. being able to earn select and retry any course in the game.

And being able to turn off traffic if desired.

Practice mode is really Arcade mode.. seperate from your career.

Practice is meant for mastering the track.

-The Practicer
2022-11-19 08:54:43
0:01 - - Practice mode
"Hong Kong"

2:28 - - Results

2:45 - - Options
"traffic off"
"cops off"

3:06 - - Controller

3:20 - - Hardware

- Thx -