Score card

Achieved at : 2023-07-01
Rank : 9
(77% worse)
Lups : 113
Approved :
Voting completed : 2023-07-25
General Rules: Game must be played on the actual hardware. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 credit. No continues. 1 player mode only. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules.
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings
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@Luigi Ruffolo 🇮🇹
2023-07-11 18:34:59
Luigi Ruffolo
2023-07-10 16:34:29
2023-07-01 20:46:50
Always liked this game.
@TGP 🇬🇧
2023-07-01 14:32:57
OK , thanks!!! I will download it and see what can I do to make some decent score...
@aca0808 🇷🇸
2023-07-01 14:24:25
It isn't on later versions of Windows, including 7, due to compatibility issues, but you can get it from the Microsoft Store. Look for 3D Pinball - Space Cadet (as a game, not as an App). It's free.
2023-07-01 12:06:47
I've always wanted to try this pinball machine but I don't know why I haven't until today... I remember it when I was using Windows XP but as far as I can see it's not on the Windows 7 x64 I'm currently using, or at least I can't find it on it...By the way, I'm a big fan of pinball machines and my favorite platform for PC is "Pinball Arcade" where only original pinball boards are included, each pinball machine is modeled original machines according to the manufacturer's designs!!!
2023-07-01 09:46:33
Space Cadet. A memory for many in earlier version of Windows. A favourite of lunchtimes at your desk or when the boss wasn't around (apparently).

This is a pinball game with a space theme. It was included with several versions of Windows starting with Windows 95. This brought the game to a large audience. It was originally from the PC package "Full Tilt! Pinball" written by Cinematronics and published by Maxis (which contained two other tables). It was ported to Windows by Microsoft.

Not installed by default any more, you can still get it for free from the Microsoft store.

This run was made on the 1st July 2023 and the score reached was 3,612,250. Settings are default.

Time stamps:
00:30 About to start a new game.
00:44 Ball lost, fortunately so quickly, the game gave it me back.
06:43 Ball 1 lost for real.
07:28 Ball 2 lost.
07:52 Ball 3 lost. Game Over. Final score 3,612,250.
07:59 High Score table and initials entry.