
NOTE: Our server host will perform maintenance on the 15th of April to fix security and stability of their platform. The server may be slow or unreachable during the maintenance. Hopefully afterwards we’ll have less or none of these slowdowns.
What happened to the Top Voters list? It's still available here, and will have a new permanent home in the near future!
Welcome to Lvl Up Score!
Scores since 2020-12-01: 55132
New submissions in past week: 618
Accepted submissions in past week: 457
Active users (past week / total): 41 / 184
Welcome to LvlUpScore, the ultimate video game scoreboard for arcade, console, computer and handheld gaming. Join our global gaming community and compete against players worldwide by submitting your scores to our leaderboards. Or just use our site as your retro gaming dashboard and submit scores at your own pace.. We track high scores across all gaming platforms. From 3DO to ZX81. Sign up now to take your gaming to the next level!